Keep on innovating: Why a crisis is the perfect opportunity for change


Disruptive circumstances can make life messy. It flips your entire world upside down and leaves you disorientated. But exactly there you can also find hidden beauty: being kicked-out of your comfort zone, into a space of opportunities.

Together with pack-members Saskia Verbunt (Philips) and Roxanne Austin (PwC), we’ve been interviewed by TNO. About our approach during the COVID-crisis: how we pursue innovation and opportunity in a constant changing situation.

The power of intrapreneurship 

TNO undertook extensive research on the topic of intrapreneurship and its effect within the workforce. They have observed a correlation between intrapreneurship, especially entrepreneurial employees, and the innovative power of the organisation itself. Furthermore, organisations who stimulate intrapreneurship are proven to have more engaged and inspired employees. This data has motivated TNO to research if intrapreneurship can also have a positive effect on organisations during the COVID-crisis. When a pro-active mindset is needed.


How social distancing led to new connections

A positive effect of the current crisis is the capacity to connect. We feel part of a society, part of a bigger picture, because we’re all struggling with the same issue. This realisation also made us wonder what our role in society is, or as Chantal said:

“Why do we do the work we do, and how does it contribute to society?”

By working from home - being more distanced from society - we’re able to get a better picture of society. We become aware of our role in this bigger whole. And this realization is reflected in organisations who are challenging their position and responsibilities. Because of the COVID-crisis, there is notice for social and ecological issues. This creates a sense of urgency to be part of a positive change and to become more socially responsible.

Key findings of the study

Throughout their research, TNO has determined four elements which influence intrapreneurship opportunities: 1. leadership, 2. task description, 3. collaboration, and 4. organisational culture.

The key findings of the study show us the importance of open and transparent leadership. This stimulates confidence of employees to develop innovative solutions. When new ideas arise, it is important for managers to create time and finance for employees to work on their plans. Related to this, employees need to experience autonomy in their work, and challenges. This freedom stimulates creativity and gratification.

An organisation with a clear vision and pro-active attitude forms a positive environment. The crisis has helped organisations to focus. This focus on their essential reason for being and on a clear mission helps employees to be part of the company’s goal. Additionally, a non-hierarchical structure and clear communication towards employees are important factors to create a work atmosphere in which intrapreneurship flourishes.

Grab this opportunity

A crisis has downsides and asks a lot of us. But our experience, plus this report by TNO, shows it’s also filled with opportunities to remodel your organisation. In a way that stimulates the creativity and innovative talent of your employees. People are trying to find new ways to add value to their community. And your organisation has the possibility to provide opportunities for them!

Crisis can create chaos, and chaos is full of possibilities. How to handle this? Read it all in the report of TNO:  


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